Reviews and Articles
“On a stage strewn with both familiar and unique instruments, Clocks showed off the myriad ways one can strike an object musically. Each work revealed the group’s collective rhythm, and their finesse in pitch-based sound environments. Their control and clarity were sonorous treats, and they underlined their enjoyable concert with helpful words from the stage to place the new music and the unfamiliar instruments in context…”
“[Jennifer] Bellor writes ravishingly and imaginatively for percussion, and Clocks in Motion have made her their resident composer. Three more quartets will come from her pen in the near future…”
David Kulma,
The Collectors Set with Jeannine Shinoda reviewed on the The Well-Tempered Ear blog “[Clocks in Motion’s] strength of commitment and musical integrity is such that the enthusiastic audience is drawn into the fabric of even the most outwardly implausible works.”
The Isthmus – Our performance of Steve Reich’s Drumming made the most memorable moments of 2014.
Wisconsin State Journal – Read this great Sunday Arts feature about Clocks in Motion!
The Well-Tempered Ear – “Totally immersive, hypnotic, and utterly enthralling…perhaps they are powerful enough to challenge the rituals of concert music.”
Isthmus – “…Clocks have performed ‘Pleiades’ at universities across the country, and it has come to represent their fearless approach to complex repertoire.”
Cleveland Classical – “Nothing short of remarkable… truly amazing… uncanny precision.”
An article from about our educational session and concert at the Rhapsody Arts Center.